Sunday, March 8, 2015

I decided that my 'someday' would start NOW. What I've been working on this winter.

For those of you who know me personally, you probably know that the end of 2014 was nothing short of awful.  It was laced with personal loss in multiple forms, combined with injury.  So there I was with my life looking extremely different than it did just a couple short months earlier, and with a sprained ankle I ran on for a full month, I was land locked. 

On a chilly night that December I bundled up, cued up a podcast on my phone, and took my new dog Nixon for a walk in my neighborhood.  I felt like a woman in search of traction and direction.  I needed something to channel my energy into.  Something that would help me heal, create something significant, do something that helped other people in some way.  I just didn't know what that would look like.  I needed to take that insanely challenging time I was going through and transform it into something beautiful.  After all, that's always supposed to be what happens, right?  I think Elizabeth Gilbert said it best in Eat, Pray, Love.  'Ruin is a gift.  Ruin is the road to transformation.' 

That podcast I mentioned turned out to be exactly what I needed to set the wheels in motion.  The podcast was from Doubt the Doubts, and was an interview with Jesse Elder.  You know how people say, 'when the student is ready, the teacher will come'?  Well this was it.  This was IT.  I finally felt like my fog was starting to lift, and I was feeling like me again.  I was no longer pouring all my energy into just holding myself together and getting through my day, I was getting super clear on what I wanted to do, how I wanted to help people, tapping into what kinds of things fired me up the most.  I enrolled in a course of Jesse's which challenged my thinking, pushed me outside my comfort zone, and connected me with a group of people that are also looking to light the world on fire like I was.  I was so appreciative to find this experience!!

For years and years I said that someday I wanted to have my own coaching business for adults.  I absolutely love helping people build a foundation in running, and set them up to successfully meet their goals.  It lights me up more than any victory of my own!  Investing in people so they have a better chance of developing a good relationship with running feels like a gift I've been able to give over the years, but I knew I wanted to do it in a bigger format.  I wanted to reach more people.  Put my work and my energy out there and attract people who are looking for it.  So that's what I've been working on!! 

This winter I focused my energy on what I love, and what I always said I'd do someday, and NOW, I am happy to tell you that I've created Level Up Coaching!  It is honestly a dream come true, and I am so glad I found the resources to help me make this happen.  Getting through such a dark time and coming out on the other side with this business is unreal.  It is a really authentic extension of who I am, and what I love to do.  I am beyond excited to start helping people get to their next running goal, create highly individualized training plans to set people up for success, and give them an experience that is all about THEM.  It really isn't about me, it's about doing something I love to help individuals work towards getting closer to being that version of themselves they want to be, and know they can be, but they haven't made it a priority yet.  Until now.  Much like my journey with this business - I wanted my someday to start now. And that's what this business is built on, helping other people do it now

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and to share this experience with me.  I think it's important to not just share all the good stuff, but also share the dark.  Then we seem to appreciate the light that much more.  :)  

Please check out the website, and if you think there's someone in your life that may be interested in what I'm offering, feel free to pass it along.  Or if you are interested, let me know.  Time for the journey to begin!

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