Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Kind of New Years Eve

For as long as I can remember (well, as far back as early high school anyway) I have always had some kind of New Years Eve celebration, and it always involved having at least a few drinks.  This year I decided to try something different.  A few weeks ago my boyfriend told me how his parents always said that the way you start a new year sets the tone for the year to come, so as a kid he always had to have things in order - his bed had to be made, things put away, and loose ends tied up.  Since he was working downtown that night I decided to give that at try, and really think about the tone I wanted to set for my new year.

Work wasn't complete until I hung up my new Runner's World calendar!

I worked a full day as I always do, and then went to Barnes and Noble to treat myself to a couple new books (I'm a self-proclaimed book dork), and then went to the gym to run a 7 miler on the treadmill.  To keep things somewhat interesting on the treadmill I always increase my pace either every mile, or every two songs so I naturally get used to running negative splits.  It felt great to know I was doing something positive for myself and putting some running 'feng shui' in place for 2014. 

I was surprised at the amount of other people still at the gym at 7:30 when I was leaving, so maybe I'm not the only weirdo that would rather usher the year in with a healthy habit rather than paying for overpriced drinks in a crowded bar amidst a bunch of scantily clad singles.  (I'm very aware that makes me sound old.)  After some strength work, abs, and stretching I picked up Jimmy Johns and met my boyfriend at home to spend a little time with him before he had to work. 

My two new books and magazine treat. :)

As soon as he walked out the door I curled up on my couch, and promptly fell asleep.  Midnight came and went without so much as a flicker of my eyelids, and I was perfectly content with that.  My body was tired but happy, and giving myself the rest I needed instead of going out because I 'should' felt empowering and very centered.  The next morning I got up and did my short shake out run and cooked a healthy breakfast.  I met my boyfriend and some friends out downtown in the afternoon to watch the disappointing Badger bowl game, but it was great going out, feeling stronger and more refreshed than I had the day before. 

I can't help but think that setting that tone for 2014 will resonate through the year. It was a perfect balance of being healthy, taking care of myself, and still finding time to be social with the people I care about.  I hope you all had a great New Years Eve too, no matter how you decided to celebrate it.  :)



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